Monday, November 16, 2009

Pots in Progress

I've been working on a big round of custom orders for the past month or so and thought I'd post a few pictures here.  My timing on this wasn't great, given that the holiday season is upon us, but I needed to get these out the door.  The images are of work which will be heading up to Alaska (hence the theme).  They are about 16" across and have taken me a LONG time to make!  I have four deco'ed and done, and three more to make.  Then I'm on to my Amphicar order! 


Anonymous said...

you work is progressing so nicely!

Anonymous said...

beautiful pots as always

cindy shake said...

Wonderful deco work. We had a huge cow moose and twins in the frozen garden last night! They were eating up everything I didn't get cleared out before the frost and snow.

Ron said...

I really like these Kip. The fish in the slip (salmon?), totally cool.

Emily Dyer said...

These are great! And, good for you for getting posts up on your blog.

Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

Outstanding work Kip.

Unknown said...

lovin' the loon. more more

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Zaza Lombardi said...


Denise said...

Those are lovely.

mel said...

what's amphicar? will you ever see this comment? :) i miss you!