Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fired and Photographed...

I've finally gotten some of my work through the kilns and even managed to take some photos! I had a serious motivator for the photography part though - an application for a Jerome Project Grant through NCC. It was a difficult process, but I'm so glad I went ahead and applied. It's amazing how sitting down to write helps to clarify ideas and to work through some of the kinks in your thought process. Even if the grant doesn't work out, I'm confident that my next round of work will be stronger just from what I gained out of applying.

I also applied for a workshop this summer at Penland with Ayumi Horie. I've never been to Penland (although I feel like I have with all the NC clay bloggers out there), and would love to spend a few weeks in such a ceramic haven. I should be hearing about both of these applications by the end of this month, so keep your fingers crossed!

Have a great weekend!


Jerry said...

Those look great. Love the butter dish and the bowl. Best of luck with the grant app.

Unknown said...

i am loving your semi trucks...

Shannon Garson said...

Really amazing work, I love how you are using the terracotta and slip which is usually so soft and gestural with such precise imagery- I found you through Carole Epp!

Have you seen Australian Jane Sawyer's work? Maureen Minchin from Scotland is also using precise detail on slipware.

Anonymous said...

striking, interesting work. thanks for the stencil tip too.